
This page describes one pool object. See also the pools option.

algo null (string, null)

Mining algorithm. This option is ignored if a pool supports algorithm negotiation.

coin null (string, null)

Mining coin. Possible values: monero, arqma, dero, keva, ravencoin. Main purpose of this option is detecting the algorithm by block version for smooth algorithm change during coin fork. This option is also ignored if a pool supports algorithm negotiation. Don't use this option with nicehash.com because you can't control what coin you mine.

url (string)

Url address of the pool or url of daemon RPC API. For example pool.hashvault.pro:443. Address optionally may contain one of following schemes:

  • stratum+tcp:// - default, supported for backward compatibility, don't need specify this scheme explicitly.
  • stratum+ssl:// - same as above but with SSL/TLS support. If this scheme is used, tls option ignored.
  • daemon+http:// - daemon JSON-RPC for solo mining, only daemons with API compatible with Monero and Dero are supported.
  • daemon+https:// - same as above but with SSL/TLS support.
user (string)

Your wallet address on most pools, consult your pool getting started page.

spend-secret-key null (string)

Spend secret key for solo mining with miner signatures (Wownero).

pass "x" (string)

Password, can be used for specifying worker name on some pools, consult your pool getting started page.

rig-id null (string, null)

Rig identifier, needs pool support.

nicehash false (boolean)

NiceHash support. This option is only required if you mine on nicehash.com.

keepalive false (boolean)

KeepAlive support.

enabled true (boolean)

Enable or disable the current pool.

tls false (boolean)

Enable or disable SSL/TLS.

sni false (boolean)

Enable or disable SNI for TLS connections.

tls-fingerprint null (string, null)

Pool TLS certificate fingerprint for strict certificate pinning.

daemon false (boolean)

Use daemon JSON-RPC instead of pool for solo mining.

daemon-poll-interval 1000 (number)

Daemon poll interval in milliseconds.

daemon-job-timeout 15000 (number)

Daemon job timeout in milliseconds.

daemon-zmq-port null (number)

Daemon's zmq-pub port number (only use it if daemon has it enabled).

socks5 null (number, string, null)

Configure SOCKS5 proxy for connections via Tor.

self-select null (string, null)

Daemon url for stratum mode self-select.

submit-to-origin false (boolean)

Enable or disable self select with origin submit. #2112